Free Trial Version of Storyline 2

Apr 15, 2015

Here is my dilemma:  Months ago, I downloaded a free trial version of Storyline 2 to my computer at work. The company I work for is not on board with e-learning, so I just worked with it when I had a few spare minutes, between routine duties. I used it to begin a project for a job aid that I felt was very needed in our company, and I got about half finished with it before the free trial version expired. I sent an email to Articulate and explained my problem. I was sent an activation code that would give me an additional two weeks on the free trial version before I had to buy it or give up on my idea. I was advised not to enter the activation code until I knew I would have time to work on my project, as I could not get any more time without buying the software outright.

As it turned out, I did not have an opportunity to get back to my project until just about a month ago. By that time, the issue with the new version of the Flash player had arisen, and amended versions of Storyline 2, Replay, Quizmaker and Engage had come out. I don't remember the exact sequence of events, but when I went in to enter my activation code, I ended up trying to download the amended versions of the programs first, and discovered that I had been given a whole new 30-day free trial!

Over the last month, I have had more free time at work than usual and have spent a lot of time working with Articulate, just trying to learn some of its more sophisticated capabilities. I finished the initial part of the project that I had started originally. Then I began to expand on it.

My dilemma now is that I haven't finished my "expansion," and my free trial version will expire tomorrow or the day after. So my question is, since I never used my original two-week "extension," will that activation code still work? If not, can I get another activation code to extend my 30-day free trial?

Failing that, I would like to be able to work on my project at home. Problem is, I have Storyline 1 on my computer at home, but the software I did my work project in is Storyline 2. Is it possible for me to download a free trial version of Storyline 2 on my computer at home? Will that mess up Storyline 1? I don't want Storyline 2 to expire on my home computer and then not be able to use the Storyline 1 that I paid for.

Thanks for your help,

Kathy Haslett









14 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Kathy,

These are all great questions to direct to our Sales team in terms of the activation codes. 

Storyline 1 and Storyline 2 can be installed on the same system, and if your trial expires for Storyline 2 it won't impact your install of Storyline 1, but any work you create in Storyline 2 won't be accessible with Storyline 1. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Anusha, 

You can still find the downloads for all Articulate products here, but with the release of Storyline 3 earlier this week, Storyline 2 is no longer available for purchase. If you have a special circumstance that you'd like to discuss with our Success team you're more than welcome to reach out to them here. 

first last


I am looking to get a trial of storyline extended.

I have started in our company and evaluated storyline 3 to good success for our needs.

But our software purchasing catalog has version 2 which will take less time to process. I need to look at version 2 before purchasing in case there are some features that i require.

Thing is version 2 was previously evaluated before i joined the company, so i need the trial extended. I emailed support, no reply yet. Any idea how long this process might take as i am under a deadline.



Alyssa Gomez

Hi Karlo,

If you go to our downloads page here, you can click the blue Download button beneath Storyline 2. Go through the installation steps, and you should be able to begin a 30-day trial from there.  

You can also start a free trial of Storyline 3 here and Storyline 360 here. Those versions include everything in Storyline 2, plus a whole lot more! 

If you're curious about what's included in each version of Storyline, click here!

Leslie McKerchie

Hello Amandeep and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

Thanks for contacting us to share your questions and concerns. 

  • Any project files that you create with Storyline 3 are saved to your local drive and you will be able to work on once you purchase the software.
  • Any published content is no longer tied to the software and lives on :)

I hope that helps and good luck with your presentation!

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