Freeform hotspot not working in Screencast

Feb 27, 2013


I recorded a screencast and imported it as Try mode. Now, they would like to have the screencast graded. Most slides have several layers that trigger depending on where the user clicks. When I added the freeform hotspot, I selected the hotspot that would be considered correct.

When I go through this, however, it advances to the next slide regardless of where I click. If I click outside the hotspot, it has a trigger stating to go to the incorrect layer. If they click in the hotspot, there is a trigger taking them to the screencast layer which plays the screencast to the next slide.

It is bypassing all of this. It just advances to the next slide.

Where am I going wrong here?

Thanks so much for your help!!

10 Replies
Donna Morvan


1. "When I go through this, however, it advances to the next slide regardless of where I click"

You may have to check the triggers that are on your slide. Make sure you delete triggers that say to jump to next slide when user clicks, etc..

2. "If I click outside the hotspot, it has a trigger stating to go to the incorrect layer. "

Similar to answer with your first issue. It will normally create a trigger on the slide to "show Incorrect Layer when user clicks outside the hotspot". So if you don't want this to happen then take it out and replace it with a trigger for the behavior you want.

Depending on what behavior you want, if this is graded per slide, you can edit out the attempts and customize your feedback layers, etc.

3. "If they click in the hotspot, there is a trigger taking them to the screencast layer which plays the screencast to the next slide."

Add a trigger to "stop media (screencast) when user clicks on the hotspot".

See attached file, that's using the screencast Try mode then coverting slides to "freeform hotspot". See triggers on each slide.

Next time, you can also play around with the "Try Mode" options before you break them into separate slides.

Hope this helps,


Donna Morvan

Hello Amy,

It's not really clear with me what you're trying to do exactly...

Is this a quiz?

What is the Show layer for? is that equivalent to your "correct" feedback?

And the Screencast.. when is it supposed to play?

Outline what behavior do you want to happen.

When they click on the "hotspot".. what is supposed to happen?


1. You have multiple triggers that are conflicting - 1st slide

Show "Incorrect" when clicking outside hotspot AND show "Incorrect" when the timeline ends.

2. I see you moved the "screencast" to another layer.. why?

Amy Walker

Donna, thanks so much for the response.

What they want and what I am trying to do is for the student to go through each scenario as they would in real life. They want to have the hotspot on the main layer to be the only place where they could get a correct answer. For example, if the main layer hotspot was to click send, you would click send to mark the "question" as correct and if you clicked anywhere else, the answer would be wrong.

I have it set up this way partly because I'm new to this and I don't know what I'm doing. But mostly because this is how it is supposed to work:

I have four layers, including the main layer: main, screencast, incorrect, and show me.

On each main layer, there is a hotspot where they can either click correctly and be directed to the screencast layer to play the animation or they click somewhere else and will be directed to the incorrect layer or if they just sit there and do nothing, that will take them to the incorrect layer.

In the incorrect layer if they click the correct spot, they get directed to the screencast layer and if they click somewhere else or they just sit there, they will be directed to the show me layer which explains what they need to do.

In the show me layer, when they click the correct hotspot, they go to the screencast layer

The screencast layer will then play the screencast and will go to the next slide when the screencast ends.

I pulled the screencast out into its own layer because, for some reason, it would not play any other way. I tried many different triggers, but it wouldn't play the way it's supposed to. Actually, sometimes it did and sometimes it didn't. Using the screencast layer more consistently plays the media. I also have trouble with the hover. On one slide it works sometimes and on another slide it never works. When you hover over the hotspot, nothing happens. But, that's for another question. :)

So, I can't figure out why when you have the freeform hotspot "question" attached to the main layer it ignores all of the triggers and just advances to the next slide regardless of where you click. And what baffles me even more is that the last slide of the scene works correctly and all slides are set up the same way.

Thank you so very much for your help!!


Donna Morvan

Hello Amy,

You may want to have notifications then if this is your intention. Notifications that tell:

1. How much time they have to click on the correct spot before it directs them to the "Incorrect" layer.

2. What they need to do once they have been directed to the incorrect layer. (I am not sure how effective this would be... what makes you sure that the learner will be able to click on the right spot here when they didn't on the main layer? Unless you have some form of review or reminder, I don't see how this will help)

3. Notification of when they are in the "show me" layer.

Anyways, I still drafted something up for you. I think this is what you want to happen.

Hope this helps,


Amy Walker

I apologize, I am not doing a very good job explaining this.

In my scenario, I do have narration explaining the situation and more narration giving more information if they continue to click incorrectly through the layers of incorrect and show me.

What I don't understand is when I preview one slide by itself, it works perfectly. Exactly as I wrote it. But, when I preview the slide in the scene, the slide no longer works correctly. Then all of the slides within the scene are not working either. Until you get to the last slide of the scene. This slide does work correctly using the triggers to show the layers as needed. All the slides are set up the sae way. AARRGG! I am so confused. Why does the last slide work and not the others?

Thank you so much for the example you attached. It gave me some ideas for another project I'm working on and your way is definitely better.

Thanks again!


Donna Morvan

The reason why it may work when you preview the slide individually is because it cannot jump to the next slide even if it wanted to because you're only previewing one slide so it pretty much cycles through all the actions you have set up in that individual slide. This should also explain why the last slide seems like it works but this will change when you add a slide right next to it.

To be honest with you.. you really have to have a clear "action-map" for your slides because where it stands right now, it really is not very intuitive even when I got the last slide. I needed clarification because it wasn't clear what was expected for me to do. It may help if you start by drafting that action map.

Amy Walker

Thanks for your help. That's probably it.

I appreciate the advice. The example I sent you is nothing at all, content-wise, what I'm doing. Since this is a functional problem and not a content one, I just recreated the functions that are not working. The example I sent you isn't intuitive at all since it wasn't meant to be. We have very strict confidentiality policies that wouldn't allow me to send an example of my true elearning.

Thank you again for all of the time you have put into this, I appreciate it.

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