Full Screen Videos in Storyline

May 27, 2016

I know there are many threads on this and I have tried many of the suggestions with no luck. I need to have the videos play full screen. I know that you can have the videos open in a new window but that is not working for me (that is for another discussion). I tried to increase the size of the player or to play full screen but nothing comes close to true full screen. This is not a nice to have for me but an essential requirement for my consumers to be able to see the technical details of the simulations. If I can't find a solution I may have to publish this outside of Storyline and that would be a shame. Any help?

2 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Dan -- Thanks for reaching out, and I'll need to defer to the community to offer suggestions on creating a "full screen" video within Storyline, as we do not currently have a feature that would do so. I recognize that you said this is an essential requirement, so I am hoping others can offer some additional options, but I did want to mention that you can always submit that as a request, as well. 

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