Getting a character to blink using variables/timeline

Oct 02, 2012

Hello all,

I was wondering has anyone tried to do loop animations. I'm trying to get a character to blink, I have 1 frame for closed_eyes.png and 50 frames of open_eyes.png (to give a more realistic feel). 

Is there a way of looping this? Maybe using a variable?

Trying to avoid using FLASH as it's for iPad. 

Thank you


2 Replies
Phil Mayor

I dont think you need variables, set up two slide each a second long, on the first add in your closed eye frame (make this shorter that a second on the timeline of layer 1, set layer1 to close when timeline eneds and open layer two when timeline ends, set layer two to close when timeline ends and to open layer 1 when timeline ends, this gives you perpetually opening layers

James Al

That's great thank you Phil, I modified your technique and found that showing one layer after the other on the same slide seems to work well. As I have a lot of variables on each slide. So I couldn't jump between slides.

Thank you for the quick reply

EDIT: Sorry Phil, you said exactly what I did, I think I read it wrong. Early morning. Thank you again!

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