Getting rid of auto play

Jun 19, 2017

Hi, I am working with SL2 , I imported my  Power point project to sL2.

For some reason, SL2 decided that all my slides would auto play (change page after 5 seconds or so) which I never set a trigger for.

I went into every slide and deleted the Trigger "Jump to next slide when timeline ends" but this isn't doing anything.

I have imported other projects from power point and none of them at this issue.

Can you help me getting rid of the auto play?


9 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Thank you for sharing your project file Viviane.

I took a look and it looks like the slide properties is the culprit as was shared above.

You want to be sure those slides are set to 'By User'.

You had a subsequent question about the Next button. 

Take a look at your updated project file here.

I updated the slide properties and the triggers needed for Scene 1 only so that you can see the difference. I just used 15 sec slide time for the Next button to re-appear, but you can use what works best for your course.

I hope that helps!

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