Hangman Quiz Gamification

Feb 07, 2019

Hello everyone,

I recently borrowed a hangman template from a post in one of the forums that I really liked. I've got all the triggers set up, however I wanted to use it to make my quizzing more interactive/fun. I seem to have hit a wall in getting the "submit quiz interaction" function to work. I initially tried manipulating the original quizzing variables to achieve what I was looking for, but I'm stuck. I wanted to be able to use a submit quiz and a results slide so I can track it in our LMS just like a traditional quiz. I've attached the file below if anyone is willing to give it a shot! I also am not calling it "Hangman" in my training because it is related to safety lol!

5 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Christopher,

What specifically are you looking to track to the LMS? I uploaded it to SCORM Cloud and was able to register completion upon hitting the results slide, but since I was also able to be considered Correct on questions without having correctly answered the question, it wasn't entirely accurate. 

If you can share more details that'll point us in the right direction! 

Christopher Ruebelman

So I didn't want that to happen as far as being considered correct on questions you didn't answer correctly. I'm trying to use it as a way to confirm that they completed the training and learned something from it. I wanted users to get 6 chances to pick correct letters and fill out the words, just like hangman. If you got less than 6 X's, you get all 20 points and the questions would be marked as correct. If you get 6 X's then you get no points. A passing score of 80 points (or 80%) is required to complete the course. And the LMS would track your %. Hope this helps.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Christopher,

The incorrect piece was happening if I choose more than 6 times incorrectly, but the "correct" piece was occurring once I had clicked submit before having 6 incorrect as you have a trigger to show "Correct" layer based on the 6th X still being in a normal state. 

I also looked at one of your questions (slide 1.2) and saw that there were answers marked as "Correct" in form view, that are not an actual part of the answer needed such as the letter Z. I'm not entirely clear on the design behind that since it's multiple response questions, a learner would need to click all the correct choices to be marked as correct - that functionality is built into the quiz. 

Some things to look at, as right now it's a bit overly designed and that's causing it to not register questions correctly or report correctly to the results slide. 

David Tait

If I was building this I would build it as a Pick One interaction.

  1. I'd add two checkboxes off the side of the stage and name them correct and incorrect. In the form view I would choose the correct checkbox as the correct answer.
  2. I would create a number variable called 'hangman' and give it an initial value of 1. You'll need an individual variable per hangman interaction.
  3. I'd have the letters in your A-Z range do one of two things:
    1. Change the state of the blanks, or
    2. Add a value to the hangman variable (explained below).
  4. I'd attach triggers to the incorrect letters in the A-Z range that add a value of 1 to the hangman variable when clicked. When the hangman variable reaches 6 I would use a trigger to change the state of the incorrect checkbox to selected and another trigger to submit the interaction.
  5. For the correct answer to be fired I would add a trigger that changed the state of the correct checkbox to selected when all of the letters in your correct phrase are in a state called 'answer'. The current selected state doesn't work as all you need to do is click the blank space to reveal the answer (adding a selected state turns it in to a button). Once the correct checkbox has been selected I'd add another trigger to submit the interaction.
  6. I'd remove the submit button from the player as I think it should all be done automatically on this sort of interaction.

I hope this makes sense (typed in a hurry), it was quicker to try to explain the solution than it would be to rebuild the interaction, besides, someone else might pop up with a more efficient solution than mine.


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