HELP! Multiple text entry - validate/submit when user presses ENTER key

Apr 22, 2020

Howdy everyone,

I am struggling with something that I feel should be really easy but I am just not seeing it.

I am trying to create a "simulation" of a software screen and need the learner to enter specific text into two fields and then press the ENTER key to submit. I seem to be missing something that makes that work. I have watched a few older videos but they don't cover using a key press rather then clicking the submit button.

Any help would be greatly appreciate.


1 Reply
Vincent Scoma

Hi Curtis,

Happy to jump in to help! 

Another option that I hope will help is to set the Enter button as a Submit Key from Form View

This should allow you to use the Enter key to submit the answers.

I also wanted to note that I see a reoccurring unassigned mention in your triggers. That could also be causing a snag here, which may be the reason why the triggers are not working as intended. 

Please us updated on this and let us know if you have any questions! 

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