HELP! Why are my Next buttons inactive at first?

Mar 26, 2020

I started a new project. I imported PowerPoint (pptx) slides.

In Story view I selected all slides and in Slide Properties I selected "By User".

Player features is set to "Player Defaults".

I do not have any variables yet.

I have NOT added or updated any player triggers. They all read Jump to next slide when the user clicks or swipes next.  

Why are the Next buttons showing as inactive for the duration of the slides (all are slides are defaulted 5 seconds long)?

Since I am not adding audio I could go in and make them all zero seconds long, and/or I could add a trigger to every slide making the next button active at timeline start but I really want to understand how this brand new project got this way.

Using Storyline 3




1 Reply
Tim Bowman-Jecmen

Check your Menu settings. Click the Menu tab then Gear icon at the bottom of the Menu section. If you have your menu set to Restricted or Locked (rather than Free), there will be a checkbox to Restrict Next/Previous buttons. If you have that box checked, the Next button will only work once the timeline has been completed.

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