help.....why does a CTA work on one slide and not the other?

May 06, 2022

I created a call-to-action (CTA) that I want to switch when all buttons have been clicked.  It works on the "benefits" slide but not on the "challenges" slide, and I cannot figure out why.

I usually copy/paste items (both objects and triggers), rename, update, etc. and am at a loss.

Thanks in advance for your help!

8 Replies
Richard Watson


OK. I think this is a problem that happens when you group text or other objects together and use states.  You get unexpected results...  Similar to what's discussed in this thread:

The fix is to create a custom state. I did this for the second slide and it appears the way you wanted it to. Let me know.



Richard Watson


I published and viewed the 1_Fundamentals_of-Telehealth_for_helprw2.story file and the state changes work on my end. Troubleshooting via text comments is not always easy. So, there may be something very subtle that I am missing in your comments.  Here is what I see. Let me know if I am missing what you are talking about.



Genevieve Hones

I apologize for not initially sending screen shots to communicate more effectively.  Thanks for doing so!

I went back in and this time it work...was it something I did when I tried to format the CTA to two lines of text? (It shows up as 3 as shown below.)  I usually copy items like this instead of recreating that usually problematic?