help with triggers!

Jun 25, 2020

Hi I am struggling and need some expertise. I have inherited a Storyline project and I'm struggling with this one slide (see attached). I believe it a trigger or layer issue.

You will see with the attached that if you mouse click on each block on the right each will populate with a word then an explanation on the left. However, I want to make it accessible that people can use their keyboard to click on a number to populate the words both in the blocks right and the text on the left. But I can't figure out how to get the key presses of 1, 2, 3 or 4 to populate the words in the boxes. The text on the left comes up as it should and the narration proceeds as it should. Please help?

4 Replies
Steve Hazelton

Sorry - this was pretty well built so I just assumed you built it. In the attached screenshot, you will see triggers that will change the state of each rectangle to Visited when the user presses a number key after clicking on Rectangle X. The problem is that they aren't clicking on the rectangles because they aren't using a mouse. By changing from Rectangle X to This Slide in the trigger (click on Rectangle X for a drop-down list), you set the trigger to be ready to go when the slide starts. All it needs is to press the right number key.

If you scroll toward the top of your triggers, you will see the other key actions that are set up this way (next slide with right key, previous slide with left key, etc). Whoever built this just apparently missed changing the Rectangle triggers.

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