Help with "Try Mode" - some hotspots

Mar 09, 2023

Hi, all.  I need your help.  We are building a simulation in Articulate Storyline and are having a problem with SOME of the hotspot clicks.  We are getting a weird incorrect pop up (that doesn't look like our try again layer) even when clicking on the right place.  This happens several times throughout the course, but you can see it for sure on 1.6, 1.8.  It's always the "click here" slide before the "text entry" slide, though it's not consistently on EVERY "click here" slide before the "text entry" slide. I've attached it here in the hopes that someone can help me out!  It just doesn't make sense b/c slide 1.4 has the SAME setup and triggers as both 1.6 and works, but those 2 don't!  I'm at my wits end!

3 Replies
Ron Price

Hey Kelly

I previously tested slides 1.6, 1.8, and 1.4. It turns out that the issue is with the slides after (1.7 and 1.9).

It looks like the default triggers that are created by the screen recording have been altered and trigger to advance when timeline starts were created in their place.

The original triggers need to be in place for these slides to work.