Help - Workday Learning "Completed" status issue

Nov 04, 2020

Hi team, 

Does anyone have issues with Workday Learning where if a leaner fails an assessment, the enrollment status stays as "In Progress"?  Workday is only recording "Completed" if a learner passes.  

I've tested all LMS Reporting options when publishing the scorm file and none of them will change a failed status to completed when viewing "Enrollments" in view admin mode .  It gives leaners/administrators the impression that the learner hasn't completed a course.

I don't think the issue is with Articulate as Workday is picking up Pass/Fail results when you view "Grading and Attendance" but I'd love to know if anyone else has had the same issue and if you've managed to resolve it.

I've attached a test module that I've been using to do testing on if that helps and a Workday screenshot. 

Thank you!


5 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Ashley, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes. 😊 

Thanks for reaching out and sharing that you're having the same issue. I see that we missed Nann's post somehow, but let's dig in together.

To get both completion and success statuses in your LMS, you may need to choose a specific reporting option and LMS standard when you publish. Each LMS can interpret status differently, and we recommend choosing Passed/Incomplete or Passed/Failed. These options are most likely to record both completion and success statuses in your LMS. 

Are you experiencing the same issue within another LMS, such as SCORM Cloud, or is it specific to your LMS?

Ashley Francois

Hi Leslie,

Thank you for the reply. I'm not having the same issue in any other LMS.
Essentially, I want the LMS to list a failed course as complete. Right now,
if I fail the course, Workday shows it as "In Progress".

I've tried setting the reporting to Passed/Failed and Passed/Incomplete
with no success. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

*Ashley Francois*

Ren Gomez

Hi Ashley,

Thanks for following up! If you do not see the same behavior in other environments, you may need to follow Workday to share more insight into your experience.

It looks like you're not alone in this, as other users in the discussion below have come across this question:

I recommend reaching out there to see if anyone can provide further guidance! By the way, it looks like you may have replied by email where your contact information came through. This Peek video will show you how to edit it out if you’d like!

Christopher Latimour


In your publish settings under reporting & tracking, are you tracking completion using a completion trigger at the end of the quiz or are you sending the completion based on the assessment score?

Whenever we've had issues with an LMS tracking completion differently compared to another LMS regardless of the reporting being Passed/Failed or Passed/Incomplete etc. we've toggled those settings and made sure that there was a completion trigger on the results slide.

From experience we've found that there are instance where an LMS needs to have the tracking submitted based on quiz results, reporting set to pass/fail and a completion trigger at the end.

Hopefully that helps.