Hide Layers

Jun 12, 2015

I am really struggling with hiding layers.  In my perfect scenario I would hide a layer by the user clicking either next or previous.

However, everytime I try to add this trigger nothing happens.

What am I missing?

4 Replies
Jackson Hamner

Are you able to provide a copy of your .story file here so we can see how you've set it up? Did you want the next or previous buttons to also navigate to other slides, or just hide layers?

You should be able to do it with the "Hide Layer when user clicks the NEXT button" trigger. Make sure that trigger is above the trigger that navigates to the next slide or else the trigger wont fire.




Sharon Huston

On thing to consider -- if your users are also going to move to the next slide when the NEXT button is clicked, then they may not see the layer has been hidden.  In Jackson's example above, the layer would be hidden really, really quickly -- like in the blink of an eye -- and then, in the next eye-blink the users would magically be on the next slide.  In other words, there wouldn't be a discernible pause between hiding and going to the next slide.


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