Hint Captions staying too long

Dec 11, 2014

Hello all!

I'm having an issue with my  hint captions staying too long on a slide... they end up showing up on the next slide for a few seconds. I've looked on the discussion lists and can't seem to find a workaround... please help!

Here is a screenr of my issue: https://player.vimeo.com/video/204929932

As you can see, it's primarily the last two hint captions. They "bleed" on to the next slide... and I can't seem to find anything different with them from the others.

Any help is much appreciated!

1 Reply
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Meg,

Thanks for the screenr. Can we take a look at your .story file as well? You can share it here in the forums using the "add attachment" button. 

You'll also want to check that you're working on local project files as detailed here and you may want to try importing it into a new project file as described here. 

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