Host Storyline Content on Amazon S3 with WordPress

Aug 28, 2014


Just curious if anyone knows how well / possible it is to host Storyline (SL) content on Amazon S3 (AS3) when using a WordPress site and LMS such as Learndash.

I know of this article:

Questions are:

1. Is the SL content on Amazon S3 protected? How to do so while allowing users to view / work with it?

2. Will it be reportable /trackable through GrassBlade and LRS?

Any information further to this, tips, or what-have-you will be greatly appreciated.


20 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Accent Pro,

Amazon S3 is one of the options mentioned in this article as a potential web server, although I don't know any specifics about hosting it there and linking with your WordPress site or LMS - although here is a thread that mentions LearnDash and Wordpress, so that may be a good place to start!

Good luck with your project!

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Shannon!

When you publish your Articulate content for web, you'll need a web server or a web hosting service to distribute your content online.  If you don't have access to a web server, you can sign up for a free Amazon S3 account.  Then simply upload your published output to your account, and give your users the link to your online course.

Amazon S3 offers free hosting service with generous usage limits.  However, if you go over these limits, you'll be charged a graduated fee.

 To learn more about Amazon S3 or to sign up, click here.

MediaPost Film & Video

How do I get my client's LMS to link to the content that I have hosted in an AWS s3 bucket?  I have reviewed almost all threads here and cannot find the solution.  I've created a zip file with the 4 AICC files with the URL embedded to point to the files on S3 but they receive an error.  See attached.  Any help is appreciated.

MediaPost Film & Video


Thanks for the reply.  They are not satisfied with the speed of the content on their system and they are relying on me to host the content on an external server.  I've seen many posts about users wanting the same thing.  Their LMS is from Successfactors.  I'm sure that you have a way to do this... :-)

MediaPost Film & Video

In the last step of this, is it referring to zipping the whole course and uploading to the LMS or just certain files?


Publish your Articulate content for LMS.
Download to your local computer and extract it.
Copy the relay.asp file into the root level of your published course (the folder that contains index_lms.html).
Open the file in a text editor, such as Notepad.
Update the URL to point to relay.asp file where it'll reside on your content server and save the change.
Upload the modified content to your content server.
Then zip the published output, and upload the zipped version to your LMS.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Chris,

You'll want to zip the entire published output folder and upload that - all the files that are generated as a part of the published output should be included, not just particular files.

I'll have to leave the "how" to link from your web server to your LMS in the capable hands of our community members as it's a bit beyond my areas of expertise! 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Chris,

This is where it gets a bit murky - as if you were hosting on Amazon S3 - I'd typically recommend publishing for web, since it's not set up to track as a SCORM/AICC/Tin Can output. But since you're linking back to your LMS - and likely doing so as you want to be able to track the output I would assume you'll need to use one of the LMS options. Either way - where you're hosting the content will need all the contents of the published output uploaded - and then based on your LMS system you will want to confirm with them how the link should be connected. 

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Chris!

Thanks for popping in with an update for Richard here.

I'm not familiar with this setup need either, so hopefully someone in the community will be able to pop in and assist if they are utilizing similar.

I did want to mention that replying to the forums via e-mail attaches your signature. You are welcome to pop in and edit if needed.

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Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Accent Pro,

We've got a few different emails that you could be receiving, and the unsubscribe link at the bottom won't do a full unsubscribe to the entirety of Articulate emails - just particular ones. 

If you're looking to unsubscribe from all of them, you can visit your Account page by going to and there you'll have the option to choose what emails you want to receive or not. I actually had recorded a Peek video of these settings and posted it to Articulate Review here. 

If you still need additional help, it may be something easier to work through with our Support Team, and you can reach out to them here. Also, just wanted to also give you a heads up that responding via email includes your signature here in ELH. You are welcome to visit the forum discussion and click on the "edit" below your post to remove that information. No worries on our part - just in case you don't want your information publicly! 

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