Hotspots for SL2 layering questions

May 20, 2016


I was reading up on hotspots and trying to create three text boxes each with a hotspot that will show a layer.  However, the only way I can hide the layer is if the person clicks on the text box layer - thus by adding a trigger in the layer section not the main slide.

If I try to add a "Hide layer 1, by clicking on Hotspot 1" it won't close the text box layer I created. 

Not sure if I was doing something wrong or  is it that hotspots can't have two things assigned to the same one?  I know I can do it with a buttons, but I just wanted to try this with hotspots.  It seems like it would be better to use buttons as there are some things that aren't working well.

After they click on all the hotspots a text box will appear with additional information but this seems to also be giving me some problems cause I don't think I can change the states of them. 

Thanks for any feedback.

2 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Brittania

see attached sample if it works how you want it to.  I have created variables and used a toggle trigger to click the hotspot to show the layer, then click again to hide the layer.

As Ashley mentioned, it's always easier to offer a solution if we can see how your project is setup.

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