How can I use the same source code in different courses

Mar 03, 2022


We use a lot of courses which refer to the same texts.

What we want is 1 location where we can maintain these texts.
Preferably live without having to rebuild the Scorms. 

If that’s not possible, the same question but for slides.
I.e. is it possible for two or more courses to use the same slide.




8 Replies
Math Notermans

Richards tip is great. And you can use images the same way. Add them on a Html page and use that as WebObject. 

Another solution for text is using custom variables. Get the values for them by either Google Sheets or using a database and you can update them whenever needed.

As i do have plans for adapting some games i did in Storyline for reuse for other teachers and clients i  will make a sample showing this...

Math Notermans

;-) Just made a sample for it. Both Image and text can be saved and read.

I cannot share the Storyline publicly because it has passwords in it to access both my Google account and my Cloudinary... however if this is what you need ( or similar ) i can make it happen.

As you can see there is still shorty a blink visible of the original image before it is replaced by the uploaded one. Can solve this, but for this demo its fine. Also all images will be scaled to 370 x 460px. Cloudinary has quite some options for this including Artificial Intelligence that always picks a face if wanted. 

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Kind regards,
