how do edit conditions on a trigger

Mar 22, 2021


I am trying to add a trigger that once a hotspot is clicked it goes to the next slide...but the user needs to click 3 hotspots before allow this. How can I set the conditions for this?




1 Reply
Walt Hamilton

If you use objects instead of hotspots, you can create triggers like this:

jump to next slide when user clicks rectangle1 if state of rectangle 2 = Visited, and state of rectangle3 = visited.

Make one for each rectangle, with the appropriate changes.

See the sample.

Otherwise, if you absolutely must have hotspots, you need to create a T/F variable (hotspot1, etc.) for each hotspot, and two triggers:

Adjust hotspot1 = True when user clicks hotspot1 


jump to next slide when user clicks hotspot 1 if variable hotspot2 = True and hotspot3 = True, etc.