How do I expand a collapsed menu

Jun 14, 2021

I've built an exam with the menu starting in collapsed mode.

Two questions:

#1 -I don't want the user to see the menu at all, but when I disable "menus and controls", I don't get the submit button on my questions.  Is the "submit button" part of player controls?

#2 - Now my test team is telling me they can see the menu from my results screens, but I don't know how they are seeing it.  I don't see how the user can even expand the menu.  Where is this control?


1 Reply
Lauren Connelly

Hi Elizabeth!

I'm happy to clarify!

To answer your first question, the submit button is part of the Player. If you're looking to remove the Player, you'll want to add your own custom submit button.

Secondly, you might have the Menu selected to appear on the Results Slide. You can check this by going to the Slide Properties for the Results Slide. Here's what it looks like: 

Let me know if you don't see the Menu option checked in the Slide Properties!