How do you manage your projects???

Dec 14, 2018

Hi everyone

I wanted to know how you manage your design work. Specifically, at what lengths do you go to manage the project, dealing with status reports, stakeholders, etc.

I ask because I am conflicted with having the following items to complete:

I have weekly meetings with my Stakeholders each about an hour in length to report on the deliverables and update and requirements.

Then I have to submit a status report of every project to my manager every week with details of what has happened during the week.

Lastly, I am required to submit an additional weekly status overview to my stakeholder on Fridays. This basically says what was discussed I. The meeting and what was in the status report. .

I feel overwhelmed with all of these reports and quite frankly the stakeholder report in Friday’s is just a glorified notification. I’d like to try and stop these Friday reports because we discuss everything in the weekly meetings. In fact, a lot of my SH don’t care to receive them but I was informed that my boss wants them even if the SH doesn’t. To me, this is crazy because the weekly status report contains this information.

What should I do or how can I eliminate this wasteful step?

Have you run into this situation where you feel something isn’t right but your boss just won’t listen to reason?

Thanks all.

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