how to delay entrance animation in storyline 2

Aug 17, 2015


I'm using Storyline 2 and am wondering if there is a way to delay an animation?

Also, is there a way to rotate an object halfway through a Motion Path?  

I know PowerPoint offers this but when I import these specific slides, the animations are not fully imported.



22 Replies
Jackson Hamner

You can delay an entrance animation by moving it further down the timeline.

I don't think there is a way to easily flip something in a course. You can fake it with the swivel entrance animation and a second object appearing as already flipped, but I dont think there is a rotate motion path or anything.


edit: I misread your initial post. The same is true to exit animations, you just extend them on the timeline to delay them. Motion paths can be delayed by deleting the initial trigger:

and replacing it with a trigger defining exactly when you want the trigger to start:

In Storyline 2 there are no emphasis animations, only entrance, exit and motion paths.

Michael Hinze

I'm not sure if that's what you want, but you could use a state on the object you are moving which provides rotation as an entrance animation. Then add a trigger that changes the state of the object when a motion path completes, and then execute the motin path again. See attached a quick example.

Michael Hinze
George Swirszcz

thanks Jackson!...that's a bit of a duh moment for me,


and thanks Michael that will work BUT and now to throw in another issue, can the object be rotated 1/4 ways clockwise and then return to the original straight motion path?

Yes, you could set the entrance animation in the Rotate state to a Quarter Spin instead. 

George Swirszcz

Thanks Michael.  I think I finally discovered it... i had to apply the Entrance Animation to the Normal state then copy it to the new state then delete the animation from the Normal state again so that it would only run in the new Quarter Turn State.

Now I'm just figuring out how you resumed the motion path

George Swirszcz

Thank you very much all the time you're taking to help me out Michael.  

I just have one last thing I can't understand, how does the motion path continue travelling right off the slide?  

When I look at your motion path, it seems to end in the middle of the slide.  I tried duplicating the trigger but the motion only repeats itself from the beginning, which is the original start point of the motion path.

Michael Hinze
George Swirszcz

Thank you very much all the time you're taking to help me out Michael.  

I just have one last thing I can't understand, how does the motion path continue travelling right off the slide?  

When I look at your motion path, it seems to end in the middle of the slide.  I tried duplicating the trigger but the motion only repeats itself from the beginning, which is the original start point of the motion path.

Make sure you select the 'Relative Start Point' path option.

Walt Hamilton

The entrance animation is how the object appears, so you can't have it appear before it animates. Entrance animations only serve to move the object as it is changing from not visible to visible. The object becomes visible when the timeline first reaches it. At that point it begins its entrance animation, and is fully visible or in its final spot when the animation completes.

If I'm not understanding what you want, maybe you can explain it a different way.

Walt Hamilton


Here is a sample. It has an object that appears, then later does a swivel animation.

No, it really doesn't; it just looks like it does. First it appears, then it disappears just as a duplicate appears with an entrance animation.

That is what I understand Rosario to be requesting. If you want something else, please repost.


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