How to make my training module viewable in full-screen?

Oct 08, 2013

I've gone to the "Player" settings under "Other" and see that there appears to be an option for "Player" to "Re-size to full-screen," but that doesn't appear to work. I also noticed settings for "Browser" to resize as well, but I'm not sure which combination to choose.

Right now, our users are only able to view the module in the small-screen version which appears when running a "Preview" in Storyline of the completed module prior to publish.

Any suggestions so our end users can view the completed module in full-screen? Thanks!!

7 Replies
Justin Grenier

Good Afternoon, Chrisanna.

It sounds like you've located our Browser and Player Size Settings, and these settings should work well in most scenarios.  If this isn't working for you, would you mind sharing a copy of your .story project file (either publicly as an attachment to your next Forum Post, or privately here) so that we can take a closer look?  Thanks!

Chrisanna  Hibbitts

Hi Justin,

Please see attached. I've selected every combination of browser settings and player settings it gives me under "Other," but my player is still the same size. My supervisor wants this resolved ASAP, so any feedback you can give me is much appreciated. Thank you.

Chrisanna  Hibbitts

HI Justin,

I guess that's where my confusion was... because it takes several hours to publish to our career site at work, my only option to test the final product was in "Preview" in Storyline, but of course, it always looked the same, no matter what options I chose in the "Other" player settings. Looks like I may have figured it out, after all!

Okay, so I don't forget... in addition to choosing the Player setting to "Scale player to fill browser window," Which Browser setting is best?

Display at user's current browser size

Resize browser to optimal size

Resize browser to fill screen

I ask because when viewing my module using the link you provided, it looks like it's still situated in the middle of the screen, instead of filling the entire screen. Is this correct? Is there a better way?

Thanks again. I really apprecaite your help.

Justin Grenier

Hi, Chrisanna.

  • The link I published above had a Browser size of "Resize browser to fill screen," which will automatically resize the learner's browser to fill the whole screen.

  • With the Browser size set to "Display at user's current browser size," when the course launches, it'll display in a browser window at whatever size the learner's browser is currently set to.

  • With the Browser size set to "Resize browser to optimal size," when the course launches it'll automatically resize the learner's browser to match the course's optimal size. The optimal size is whatever you've chosen as the story size, plus any additional height or width to accommodate the course player. which Browser size is best depends on your specific needs.

I'm not exactly sure what you mean when you say that the link above is "still situated in the middle of the screen, instead of filling the entire screen, but this is what I see on my machine:

We will never stretch the height or width of your course to fill the browser window at the expense of the Story Size you've chosen.

Please let us know if you need anything else, and have a great day!

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