html tags not working in variables

May 14, 2024

I've been trying to add text formatting to variables as described in, but it's not working. Is there a setting I need to adjust? Or has this feature been deprecated? It works in the sample download file, but even if I copy and paste the formatted text from the sample download into my file, the text shows up as <b>Storyline 360</b>, not Storyline 360.

5 Replies
Nedim Ramic

This won't function with built-in text variables. The text initially visible in the text entry field is the placeholder value, not the actual value of the text entry field itself. Unfortunately, we can't style the placeholder attribute in the text entry field. In my example, as well as the one you found online, a custom text variable was utilized instead. I wasn't aware that you were attempting to customize the text entry field placeholder.