Image Carousel scrolling control question

Feb 19, 2023

Hello everyone:

I've designed a simple little image carousel in SL360 to allow users to scroll/"flip" through a serious of images (which are pages from a book).  I'm reasonably happy with the way it's turned out, but I would like to make it so that when the user is on the first page, they cannot use the "previous" button (and thus scroll endlessly backwards).

Additionally, I'd to accomplish the same thing on the final image, but include the option to return to the beginning.

Thoughts on how to do that? Thus far I don't have any variables created, and just have button triggers that move the group of images along the two ("next" and "previous") motion paths.  


bonus problem: on the first image, you can click the text in order to enlarge it and make it easier to read.  Any thoughts on good accessible UI that makes that clear but is not ugly and unobtrusive?

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