Importing a .arf video into Storyline, is it possible?

Jul 09, 2014

We are wanting to import a .arf video into Storyline but I noticed that it wasn't listed as a video file type. The video is actually from a WEbEx training that was recorded and in order to view it you have to download the .arf player which we are trying to have our clients avoid. I thought it might be possible to put it in Storyline to have it play without having to have the player...but I'm not sure this can be done at all. Any ideas/suggestions? Thanks, Heather

2 Replies
Steve Flowers

Hi Heather,

I'm guessing this proprietary format won't be importable into Storyline. You might have good luck converting it to another format first. You should be able to import MP4 or WMV without a problem.

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