Importing a StoryLine project from one computer to another computer

Mar 23, 2015

I want to import a finished project from a flash card into Articulate StoryLine on a different PC.  I really don't want to create a new one from scratch because I want the same color scheme, look, and feel for the new project.  I have tried importing it but it does not work for me.  Is there a secret to this? 


3 Replies
Emily Ruby

Hello John,

If you transfer the file to the new computer, you should be able to just click to open, or open Storyline, and browse for the file. Are you having trouble getting the file on to the new computer? You could also save the file as a .storytemplate file, then when you save it to the new computer in the local drive, it should appear in the drop down for templates when you insert a new slide.

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