Incoherent data exported to LMS

Nov 07, 2017


The score reported from the articulate tests we've created in my company is sometimes of 0 in our LMS when in fact the final score should've been positive. (at least another value)

I've recently analyzed the logs of the data exported by Articulate Storyline and it seems some of the answers are picked up as "undefined", I am quite sure the issue is comming from the scorm 1.2 content.

Do you have any idea on what could cause this issue ? Does it has to do with the way we've built the test ?

Anything would be appreciated here,

Thank you for your help,


3 Replies
Morgan Humbert


Thank you for your answer.

After further investigation it seems the issue is not comming from the undefined status but from a invalid score in the scorm content.

Some users are returning a score of 0 to our LMS instead of the actual value.

When a new attempt is taken by clicking on the restart button within the course itself, the intScore is getting a value over 100.

It is set in the scorm files that if this value is over 100, it should be reseted to 0, therefore sending a result of 0 to the LMS even when the first attempt was of another value between 1 and 100.

In SetErrorInfo - Num=3 Desc=Invalid Score passed to SetScore (must be between 0-100), intScore=150

This is recurrent for a lot of our LMS content and blocking all new publishing as we cannot track accurately the score of our end users.

Is there a way to have a workaround without republishing all of our content which could take months ?

Thank you,


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