Inconsistent question feedback

Jan 13, 2017


I've been struggling with the question feedback for two days now. I have imported questions from Quizmaker into Storyline. I have modified feedback master and layers multiple times and settled for making only color modifications. So, I tested the feedback on the first two questions. It worked. Then I applied it to all other questions. The feedback now works on the first two questions, but not on the rest of the test. 

2 Replies
Dave Cox

Hi Katrina,

Unfortunately, I can't open your file, (My trial of 360 has expired. I'm still trying to get my employer to purchase it). But I suspect you just have the incorrect feedback slide selected on your question slides. Here is how you can check it.

Go to your question slide, and select the correct feedback layer. Place your cursor off stage, or over the slide icon, and right click. Then hover over the layout selection in the drop-down menu. Select the correct feedback slide from the list. Then do the same for the incorrect feedback layer.

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