Incorrect layer shows briefly when I click continue on the Correct layer

Mar 13, 2024

I'm doing a lock and step type simulation and when they get a step correct, I have a layer popup that says Correct with a "continue" button to take them to the next step, but everytime I click the "continue" button, the "incorrect" layer briefly flashes. Does anyone know why this is happening? I've tried several different things to get this to stop. But so far nothing is working. Thoughts?



6 Replies
Nadja Sherelis

I kind of know what the problem is. On the base layer, I have a trigger that states, if the user clicks outside of the button, show the "incorrect" (or try again) layer. So what happens when the user does click the button, and the correct layer shows, then the user clicks "continue" to move to the next step, the "incorrect" layer quickly appears because it thinks the user is clicking outside of the button. What I don't understand is why is the trigger on the base layer being activated on the correct layer. I need to figure a way to stop the trigger from being active on the correct layer. File attached.

Tom Kuhlmann

The base layer trigger is always going to be active because of the way you have the trigger set since they are always clicking outside of button 1.

You could create a hotspot that sits on top of everything but button 1. And then add the triggers to the layers based on clicking on the hotspot rather than outside of button 1. The try again buttons will be on top of the hotspot, too.