Incorrect Score Reported on iPad iOS 9.2.1

Feb 18, 2016


We're experiencing an issue with one of our modules when it is accessed on an iPad (we're using iOS 9.2.1). When the module is taken, the reported score on the Results Slide shows 100%. However, the recorded score in our LMS is 6%, causing the user to fail in our LMS, although they answered every question right in the Articulate module. 

We are able to take and pass the modules (showing 100% on the Results slide and 100% in our LMS) when the module is taken on a PC.

We have HTML5 enabled in our Publishing settings. If you need the Storyline file, I can send it privately.

1 Reply
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Sara!

Are you able to replicate this behavior if you upload the course to SCORM Cloud? This will help us determine if the issue lies within the course or the LMS. If you are able to replicate, we would want to take a look.

If you wish to work privately with our support team as you mentioned, you can share your file here.

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