Increase text to speech volume

Feb 26, 2021


I saw some threads on the volume increase. I have done it but the volume played on the mobile is still low. I have created text to speech and increase the volume to 100% using edit audit. I have even set the audio volume at the audio bar to high. Additionally, I have optimised my volume and set the audio byte to 128. After publishing and play it using different mobiles, the volume is still low. Anyone can help me if I have missed out any step to increase it.

1 Reply
Leslie McKerchie

Hello Melor,

Thanks for reaching out and sharing what you are expecting with your published output on mobile devices.

Is this only on mobile devices or the audio is low in all of the published output?

With your permission, I'd like you to share your project file with our support engineers to investigate what's happening. You can share it privately by uploading it here. It will be deleted when troubleshooting is complete.