Inserting recorded screen into a slide layer

Apr 23, 2013


When I record a screen while in Storyline, a slide is created. Is there a way to record a screen and then insert the video into a slide layer, without creatint a separate slide?

I can insert an external video file into a slide layer, but I can't find a way to insert the video created by Storyline into a slide layer.



4 Replies
Christine Hendrickson

Hi Ejuana,

As you've probably noticed, there's no default option to insert into a layer once you've created the screencast. However, you should be able to copy/cut and paste a single video recording into a layer. 

You will not be able to do this with a step-by-step recording, however, as those recordings are split and actually become the background for slides. What you could do with this is lightbox the slides from a layer that contain the split video, however. Not entirely sure if that would work for your course, but might be work a try.

I hope this helps!


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