Invisible Seek Bar

Jul 16, 2020

Howdy, Heroes!


I've recently encountered an issue where it seems the seekbar remains on throughout my course, while I only have it set to be on two slides (one with video, and one with audio). All other slides though have that area of the slide completely inaccessible, and this presents quite the issue as the custom navigational buttons live in this area.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated in this matter!


Joshua Vrooman

5 Replies
Joshua Vrooman
Wendy Farmer

Hi Joshua,

You may need to wait for the issue to be resolved in the next update.  If you've found a fix with a previous version I'd stick with that version for the moment.  You may want to contact Articulate Support and see what they say.  All the best.

Thank you for sharing your expertise and perspective on this. I'll contact Articulate Support and inform them of this issue.


All the best!

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