Is it possible to query the results from another course in the LMS to offer differentiatd experience in a follow up course?

Jun 05, 2020

Hi Community,

I'm wondering if it is possible to use SCORM querying to look at the results from a course that was previously taken, and use those results to tailor how much of a follow up course learners should participate in, by using the extracted variable to drive branching in the course.

For instance - if they got 90-100% a simple reminder of key points, 70-90 would be more content re-enforcement, below 70 would watch the whole course.

Anyone every attempted this?

1 Reply
Sam Hill

Hi Steve, I'm afraid this isn't possible using SCORM alone. The LMS implementation and course API didn't provide for this. In SCORM 2004 it became possible to query information from a SCO in the same SCO aggregate (a course built up of many published SCORM files, but aggregated as a single offering). In order to add this kind of behaviour, you will usually have to look to your LMS for the functionality, a custom server side script or look to Experience API which your LMS may support.

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