Is there a way to get the result of a drag and drop interaction (correct or incorrect)?

Jun 01, 2024

Hello Articulate developers and employees,

Is there a way to get the result of a drag and drop interaction (correct or incorrect)?

The reason is that I want to use custom layers instead of the feedback dialogs.

The logic I want to implement:

  • If the result of the drag and drop is correct show layer X
  • If the result is incorrect, show layer Y.


Thanks in advance!



5 Replies
Jeroen Verhoeckx

I think I'm close to a solution:

I found out that you have a built in variable called Question.correct to get the result of a quiz (and hopefully this includes a Drag and drop interaction).

I added the triggers as can be seen in the attached screenshot. The triggers seems right to, me but somehow, it still doesn't work (the layers are not shown). Does anybody see what I do wrong?

I looked for an example here on the forum, but couldn't find it.


Jeroen Verhoeckx

Strange: I removed the Freeform and recreated the Drag and form, and now the variable Question.correct does change! But the triggers are exactly the same! (?)

Other things that I noticed: I removed the trigger to show one of the feedback layers but despite of that, the layer kept showing!

Jose Tansengco

Hi Jeroen, 

Thanks for reaching out!

Since your main requirement is to show a layer when a learner enters an incorrect and correct response, have you considered using the built-in "incorrect" and "correct" feedback layers to achieve this effect? 

To do this, you'll need to enable both the Feedback and Score option for your question slide, which would automatically create the two feedback layers.

Once generated, you can customize the appearance of these layers to contain your desired text. You can also leave out this question slide if you don't want to include it in the final grade of your exam. 

Let me know if you have any questions!

Jeroen Verhoeckx

Hello Jose,

Thanks for reaching out.

The Feedback Layers aren't very useful in my situation, because I want the layers to blend into the design of the slides (to create a more immersive effect). I have many different slides and the way the feedback is given is different every time.

In the end, I found out the correct trigger:

Show layer Feedback layer - correct

    When the user clicks Button - controleren

        If Questions.Correct = value True

           Else: Show layer Feedback layer - incorrect


Controleren is the Dutch word for checking/verifying.