Issues compiling results slides and final exam

Jul 11, 2017


I'm working on a rather large project (attached) and need help.

Every section has a quiz followed by a custom result slide that shows only the score with a way to review it or move to the next chapter.

There is also a final test of 20 random questions pulled from those quiz banks.

My questions are: 

- Why are my section quiz result slides not showing the scores?

- How can I know that the final course grade includes all scores from the section quizzes and the final exam combined?

23 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Vivanne,

Thanks for sharing your file here. I previewed the course, and I didn't find that I came across any of the initial results slides even though I could see them in the individual scenes. So I wasn't able to experience the odd behavior with the scores not showing?

I also noticed not every scene that had a quiz draw had a results slide, and the ones that did were often before the quiz draw and had no questions selected for tracking - so that would explain the zeros. 🙂

The user would need to have visited the questions and then the results slide to see the score passed correctly - and they'll need to visit each results slide to calculate the total score for that section and the final results slide too. The final results slide was set up to track and combine the scores of all the prior results slides - so that looked to be working as expected.

Let me know if you need anything else! 

Viviane Frenette

Hi Ashley,

If you look at scene #2 for example. The exam works, but somehow it skips straingt to the next scene and by-passes the result slide altogether.

I'm wondering if there should be a trigger after the exam that prompts the user to click next to advance to the result slide?

I went in and corrected the issue of the result slide being before the exam, and I'm having the same problem.

My result slide is a custom one instead of being a graded one. Could this cause my issues?

Also, when I have the result slide in view, I click on the grey Edit Results Slide button, and it shows that the correct question bank draw is selected.

I really have no idea why it's doing this.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Viviane,

Yes, scene 2 is what I was looking at as one of the examples, and if you preview that one scene you'll notice that upon finishing the questions it'll tell you that "the slide target is not available in preview" which indicates that it's pointing to something outside that scene and not the results slide which appears next in the scene and slide order.

Results slide 5.6 was the one that didn't have any question banks selected and appears before the quiz. 

I don't see anything on your individual question draw slides that are causing this and it works as expected with the same set up of no feedback, question draw, and a results slide in a sample file.

You mentioned creating these as custom results slides - but they look to have the graded elements included such as the variable reference and the ability to edit it as a results slide? Were you duplicating a results slide or creating it anew each time? 

Any other information you can share about how it was created may pinpoint the cause or give me a hint of something else to look at - as I'm a bit stumped right now too! 

Viviane Frenette

Seems like it did not like the custom results slides, so I deleted them and used graded slides instead.

There were some odd triggers too (can't remember now) on the exam itself so I replaced them with jump to slide (result slide number) when user clicks next page.

Then to move from the result slide to the next chapter, I had to create a new trigger jump to next scene when user clicks next.



Viviane Frenette

Me again :( 

So.. I thought I had it figured out but I realized that I have to add a second results slide in order to pull results from all 4 end of chapter tests.

My question is,  after playing the whole course and did the four tests, my final results slide, set to average out the four results, is not calculating properly.

First test = 60%   Second test = 75%  Third test = 70%  Fourth test = 90%

The final score on my slide should show 73.75% but shows 60%

What am I missing?

Leslie McKerchie

Whew! That's a long course Viviane :)

Looks like you have the final results slide set to combine points from each quiz prior, so it would be points received/total points available. Looks like each quiz had a different # of questions, so this would not be an even percentage average.

I cannot fully test my theory because it looks like you've shared 4/5 results percentages.

What was the score for the 5th test? 

I'm assuming you've shared:

Scene 2: 60%

Scene 5: 75%

Scene 6: 70%

Scene 7: 90%

What was the score for Scene 8 prior to the compiled results?

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Viviane!

Thank you for those numbers and sharing the results.

So, each of your quizzes have a different number of total 'points'/questions.

Since you are scoring by Combining Points from each quiz, here's the result.

  • Exam 1 = 40% (20 points)
    • This quiz has 5 questions for a total of 50 points
  • Exam 2 = 90% (90 points)
    • This quiz has 10 questions for a total of 100 points
  • Exam 3 = 90% (90 points)
    • This quiz has 10 questions for a total of 100 points
  • Exam 4 = 60% (60 points)
    • This quiz has 10 questions for a total of 100 points
  • Exam 5 = 85% (170 points)
    • This quiz has 20 questions for a total of 200 points

So, the total points you scored was 430 out of a total of 550 possible, which is 78.18%

If you need them all to be the same 'weight' so that the percentages work well (and you mentioned you did not want to match up the number of questions per quiz), I would advise updating the points/question in Exam 1 from 10 points to 20 points (for a total of 100) and in Exam 5 from 10 points to 5 points (for a total of 100).

The same test results then would be 73% as you are expecting.

I hope that helps. Thanks for testing/confirming :)

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