Jumping problem on ipads and iphones etc.

Sep 03, 2018

Hello, I have a 'jumping' problem with my storyline 3 html output.

Quite often in my storyline 3 created projects, when a user clicks a button (ones added to the slide - not those part of the player) it suddenly jumps to the bottom of the web page (I'm using an iframe to display the storyline output) and the user has to scroll back up the page to get back to the storyline project.

It doesn't do this on a computer but does it on ipad or iphone (using Safari). I have published my files with the html/flash option - so my guess is that the computer is displaying the flash file which is working fine - but the ipad etc is using the html file which is causing the jumping problem.

Hope you can help. Thanks.

5 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Susan,

It sounds similar to a bug that we had reported in Storyline 360 and fixed up as a part of Update 17. That same fix would also be available in Storyline 3 Update 5. 

Can you let me know if you're using that update to publish? You can check by going to the "Help" Tab -> "About Articulate Storyline".

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