Layer isn't showing but others are

Oct 07, 2015

I have added various layers to my base layer to show when a certain topic has been completed.  I added triggers to achieve this and they all worked perfectly.  I've recently gone back to edit my storyline presentation and 1 out of 6 of the triggers doesn't work I've tried duplicating the other triggers and then making the various changes - still doesn't work! I've also tried deleting the image, trigger and the slide layer and started over again but this specific layer will still not show! All of the triggers and layers are the same, can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong here?!

It would be much appreciated, thanks!

Here's the link:

16 Replies
Richard Karel

Hi Florella,  If you just use the pre-built Visited state for each of your menu items, you can auto-track which ones have been completed (instead of using layers as a Visited state).  Just add the Visited state by accessing Edit States for the button. You can then remove the triggers and no need for a variable.  When you return from the Scene, your button should retain the Visited state. Works like a charm!  Also, be careful about the order of your triggers--makes a huge difference on how a trigger executes. See Topic 2 button in your revised file attached.

Richard Karel

This is occurring because of the amount of triggers and controls you have embedded on each slide.  See the simplified version attached and note that you don't see the button turning to visited prior to the scene visit. You can change the state of the button to Disabled if variable = true upon return to your main menu.

Helen Wallace

Yes I have deleted all triggers and replaced them with states - it seems to be working now! Thank you very much for your help :)

However, I have one more query.  I tried 'Change state of picture to disabled when variable changes on condition if topic1 is equal to true' this didn't seem to work? What is the correct way of doing this?


Richard Karel

Glad to hear--normally you could add a trigger to the button that changes its state to disabled on click--just move the trigger to fire before jumping to the scene.  However, there's something corrupt going on with the existing button so I added a new button and it works fine (see attached).  I suggest you may want to give your end users the freedom to review your topics at will. Is there a reason not to? You can add a control/button and then edit each state by inserting your custom graphics.

Helen Wallace

Hi everyone,

It was working fine but now it doesn't seem to be working at all ;( I need to put extra triggers on so I can jump to different slides.

Basically, the more triggers I add none of it appears to work in preview mode but there must be a way out of this? I will attach again.

Leslie McKerchie

All of the topics are showing the visited state as I go thru your course. As we discussed here, the link on the last topic does not work for me, but I do not think that is the issue you are reporting. 

Do you have a screen shot perhaps and how to recreate the issue? Otherwise, I fear that it may be on your machine and would advise a repair of your software.

Please be sure that you are working locally on both your project and files.

Helen Wallace

No I would like the visited states to only show once I have gone through an entire scene/topic. 

However, no matter what I do I cannot get this to work. 

The links are all working perfectly fine for me - every single one of them.  But that is not what I'm having trouble with.

I attach exactly what I'm having extreme trouble with so you understand.

Walt Hamilton


The built-in state "visited" has its uses and its deficiencies. Your situation is one where it just isn't up to the task.

As I understand these are the problems.

A. It shows visited anytime the user clicks on it, whether the topic is finished or not. That is solved by using a custom state.

B. It allows the user to visit the topic again. That is solved by making the disabled state look like the custom visited state.

1. Edit States

2. Copy "Visited"  to a custom state with any name.

3. Delete "Visited" and "Disabled"

4. Copy custom state to a new state. Name it "Disabled". Now the button will look visited, but will have the characteristics of the built-in state. (It will not allow the user to visit the topic.) You can delete the custom state if you want, we just used it for storage, so we wouldn't have to recreate the visited state.

Now you have to have a method to trigger the new Disabled state. Your trigger to change the state to Disabled is a good idea, but the first time the button is clicked it jumps, then the second time it is disabled. Move the trigger from the button to the slide: Change state to disabled when timeline starts if Topic1 is true.

And you didn't really have a way to set Topic1 to true. That trigger goes on the last slide of the topic, attached to the NEXT button, before it jumps back to the base.  Set Topic1 to true when user clicks.

Does that cover everything?


Helen Wallace

Thank you so much for your help Walt! But I am going to set the states to visited once clicked on now, as I tried your way thinking it would work however it still keeps playing up.  I'm not sure why this is as it was working perfectly before when I was using layers. 

Thanks to all of you for your support!

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