Layers from within a layer

Jan 14, 2015

I'm having trouble getting a layer to display from another layer. 

I have three main layers but on one of these layers I have a button that displays some supplementary information on a fourth layer but it doesn't appear to work.

Can you display layers from other layers and not just the base layer?

8 Replies
Greg Faust

Yes. You can have as many visible layers as you want, one on top of another.

Check your layer properties (bottom right of the screen; gear icon next to a given layer). If you have the "hide other layers" box checked, that could be giving you trouble if you're trying to show two layers at once.

If you do have two layers visible at once, make sure they're ordered correctly, so the one isn't covering up the other incorrectly.

If that doesn't help, the next thing I'd check would be whether your triggers are set up correctly.

Greg Faust

I just realized-- I'm not sure whether you're trying to show multiple layers at once, or if you just want the button to Hide Current Layer + Show Another Layer to be on a layer. Either way, the answer is yes; it can be done. Showing a layer just requires a "Show Layer" trigger. That trigger can be attached to any object on any layer.

Wendy Farmer

Hi Deepa


If the user is accessing the layers in specific order e.g. can only get to last layer once they have visited previous layers:


On base layer: Change state of Next button to disabled when timeline starts on base

On final layer: Change state of Next button to normal when (depends on objects on layer) e.g. could be when timeline ends, when user clicks a button, when media (if there is audio or video) completes.

If the user is accessing the layers in any order

Create a T/F variable (e.g. slideComp) default to false


On base layer: Change state of Next button to disabled when timeline starts on base

On every layer: Trigger 1

Adjust variable slideComp to True when  (depends on objects on layer) e.g. could be when timeline ends, when user clicks a button, when media (if there is audio or video) completes.

On every layer: Trigger 2

Change state of Next button to normal when variable changes on condition variable = True

Be careful of trigger order.

Hope that helps - if not, might be helpful if you share the .story file so we can see the setup.

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