Learner progress in Success Factors

May 11, 2020

I know that many LMS's will track a learner's progress in Storyline so that they can leave the course before completing it but then return to where they left off.  I want to confirm that Success Factors will allow this.  Any insight gratefully appreciated.



1 Reply
Vincent Scoma

Hi Anne,

Thank you for reaching out! 

I wanted to jump in and share some information on the Storyline side. When developing a course, you do have the ability to control how learners experience your course. You can customize the resume options by adjusting the Player Properties. This guide provides more details on this: 

In regards to Success Factors specifically, I wanted to share this community thread that I hope will point you in the right direction: 

I am also hoping that others that have more experience with Success Factors can share what has worked for them! 

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