Let the user decide the number of quiz questions?

Nov 23, 2023


Is it possible to let the user/student decide how many questions from a pool he og she wants to be presented for in a quiz? Eg. using a slider, saving a variable and showing that number of slides, each with 1 question? Or maybe in another way..?

I know I can make multiple scenes each with a quiz, but it's a number between 1 and 50, so I'm hoping for a smarter solution.



1 Reply
Brian Dennis

I imagine a "countdown" variable that's initialized to the number of questions they select would be the starting point. Then, set up a trigger on each quiz question that checks for the value of the variable to be less than zero, and jump to the "finish" slide once the "countdown" variable falls below zero. Remember to subtract one from the countdown variable in another start-of-timeline trigger on the quiz questions