List of Android devices fully compatible with AMP (Storyline 2)

Oct 22, 2014


Is there a list of Android devices which are fully compatible with Articulate Mobile Player?

Many thanks.

29 Replies
Quentin Hua

Thank you Phil for your contribution.

To Articulate team:  is there a short list of compatible devices we can guarantee to our clients?

I know it is not that easy to answer (so many devices x Android versions). But if can have a list of 4 or 5 most famous devices of the market (Galaxy Tab, Nexus,...) it will be enough to start!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Javier,

Chrome is the recommended browser in Android as detailed here - and as a non-Android user myself, it took me a bit to figure out Chrome is not the default browser in Android but an additional browser I could access. Are you testing through the built in Android tablet browser or did you install Chrome? 

If it launches for you in Dolphin and works as expected - that's great to hear as well. :-)

Fabian Alvarado

Hello guys! I am experiencing a problem with my HTC Desire 500 device, the courses are not loading, I tested on several devices and everything works as expected except on that specific device, developers identified this issue:

“Object #<AudioContext> has no method 'createOscillator' player_compiled.js:1842”

Do you know if there are any compatibility issues on HTC 500?


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Fabian,

Are you visiting the course link through the Chrome browser vs. the standard Android browser? Also, when you mention it fails - does the course not load at all or does the AMP not open? I'm not certain that any of us have that device, so hopefully someone else may be able to share their experience with it in the forums. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Fabian,

Can you try accessing the link from the Chrome browser instead? I don't have an HTC device to try on - is that a phone instead of a tablet? The mobile player is optimized for tablet use, and although I've heard of users accessing it on their phones - I can't be certain.  Since you mentioned it worked on other devices, it may be something specific to that. 

Edward Alvarado

Hi am having the same issue:

1) Opening "story.html" on Chrome doesn't open the Application (Articulate Storyline from Google Play). It stays in the browser, and changes the actual URL to: intent://?path%3D....

2) Opening "story.html"on the default Android browser opens the Application correctly.

(Disclaimer: I am an mobile developer)

I've seen this behaviour before, it happens when Deep linking is triggered automatically without the user having to click anything.

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