Locate / update file attachments in StoryLine 360

Dec 02, 2022


So my predescessor used attachments extensively when creating StoryLine 360 courses.  That means all links refer back to her (now non-existent) drive.  So if I need to republish anything for any reason I have to go through the entire course looking for the links and updating them.  It is very frustrating, when I am fixing one misspelled word and now I have to spend an hour to relink everything in order to repost the course.  Is there a fast way to locate the links?  Or change them gloabally?  (the location would be best, if there was some kind of search for links...)  Anyway, we are eliminating attachments in favor of layers moving forward, but in the meantime, I am wasting soooooo much time.   Any tips would be appreciated.

Thanks, Wendy

3 Replies
Walt Hamilton

If it is attached files, they can be found in the published output. In the output folder, go to Story Content and External Files. The attached files will be there in their original format. If you are just correcting a misspelling, you can edit the file with the app that originally created it. If you don't change its location or name, you don't even have to republish, but it will be changed.

Jack Kuczynski

Hi Walt, I'm pretty sure Wendy doesn't have the published output hence the question. You also say "If you don't change its location or name, you don't even have to republish, but it will be changed." - what do you have in mind saying that? We have to republish to reupload a SCORM. We're talking about Storyline here. 

Walt Hamilton

You’re right, I was making an assumption. I assumed she has the published folder, or can download it from the LMS, or wherever they source it to the end users.  A warning against having .story files, or published files reside in only one location. Your workflow policy should include working from a local drive, and frequent backup to a shared location (network or cloud).

The point is, that the easiest way to change those external files is to find them in published output (where they maintain their original separate identity), and change them directly. Then the published folder can be uploaded without the need to re-publish, because the SCORM package refers to them by name only.