Lock timeline for disclaimer slide

May 23, 2013

Hi eLearning Community! I'm trying to find a way to lock the timeline of a slide (for say, 12 seconds) to display a disclaimer. There is a very short (5 sec or so) audio that requests that the participant take a moment to reviewbut I want to force them to stay on that slide for the 12 sec w/out being able to continue on. I have already taken out the "next" button, but I would like to leave the Seek bar. Right now, they can move past by either moving the seek bar to the end, or selecting the next topic in the menu. How can I prevent this?

Thanks, team!


3 Replies
Antony Snow

Hi Lindsay,

There are a couple of things you could do to achieve this:

  • Create a new layer that displays the disclaimer and adjust the timeline to 12 sec
  • Add a trigger to the base layer (that has the 5 sec audio on it) to show the disclaimer layer when the timeline ends
  • On the disclaimer layer, add an off-screen shape and set the default state to hidden
  • Add a trigger on the disclaimer layer to change the state of the off-screen shape to normal when the timeline ends
  • If you are using the default player buttons, SL will create a trigger to jump to the next slide when the user clicks it. Update this so it is on condition that [off-screen shapes] state = normal
  • Open the properties of the disclaimer layer (by clicking on the cog icon) and select 'no' from the 'allow seeking' drop-down
  • Finally, to restrict the user from jumping forward using the menu, switch it off for this slide: Open the slide properties, select 'custom for the selected slides' from the 'Player features' drop-down and de-select 'Menu'

I attach a very rough demo but please feel free to post back if you have any questions.


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