Looking for a simple introduction to Storyline activities and options

Sep 02, 2020

Hi - I am definitely not someone who knows much about building out eLearning courses - however I'm leading a workgroup with folks who are building out the content for a Storyline360 eLearning course.  We will be the subject matter experts (SME), and will then turn it over to our amazing folks who have the knowledge and ability to turn that into the course.  However, for the SMEs - trying to explain all of the options for activities and ways that content can be shared is hard when we don't know a ton about building out eLearning courses.  I know that Storyline has a quick intro video, but it isn't super helpful in understanding all of the ways that content can be shared and used - wondering if there are any other links or videos that break down some of the options?


2 Replies
Mick Irvin Garcia

Hi Teagan. It appears that you already went through the Storyline Overview but perhaps you can check out other video tutorials in here.

Here is also an exhaustive reference to their knowledge base articles.

There is a ton of videos and recorded webinars which I believe would be useful to your team. Best of luck!

Melanie Sobie

I would recommend that SMEs not get distracted by all of the bells and whistles available in Storyline. The elearning course developer has the expertise to decide which type of interactions are appropriate for the content. SMEs provide their best value by understanding the needs of the targeted learners, having well defined learning objectives, and ensuring the training content is accurate and includes only the "must know" and not extraneous "nice to know" information.

If scenarios are appropriate for your training purpose, take the time to write out some scenarios with real world choices and consequences. 

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