Main Menu Navigation

Jul 01, 2013

Hello. In Storyline, I am trying to understand how to make a slide in another scene change the state of an object on a slide (Main Menu) in the first scene. So when a learner completes a scene (lesson), I want that lesson's object on the main menu to be disabled. I have tried to get it by looking at a couple of posts...but not having any luck so far. I would appreciate your help. Thank you - Melissa

6 Replies
Harri S

Hi Melissa,

What you're talking about here is using variables to carry information from one slide to another. Based on what you've said I think you can achieve this by setting up a true/false variable set to false initially then on the final scene in the lesson add a trigger to change that variable to true. Then you need a trigger on your main menu slide to say something like 'jump to slide 'lesson2 for example' when user clicks if variable is equal to true'.

You would need a different variable to signal each lesson end.

Hope this helps, apologies if I've misunderstood your question.

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