make specific slides not count in storyline tracking

Feb 20, 2023


I've set up a course in storyline, but I've set it to 100% slides viewed to get it complete. The design is 8 different ''chapters'' that are consisting of a movie. They also however have a ''read more'' slide. We can see that a lot of our users dont click the read more. But I'd still like to have it there. Is there any way I can exclude the ''read more'' slides from the completion criteria?

Just setting down the % or amount of slides viewed isnt an option, as it wouldnt be a good way to secure they've seen all the different chapters.


4 Replies
Judy Nollet

This article in the User Guide describes ways to adjust which slides are included for tracking. 

Another option would be to track via a Completion trigger. Just set it up so that trigger only runs after all 8 "chapters" are viewed.