Matching cards activity - help needed

Apr 16, 2019

Hi all,

Looking for some help if possible please. I've set up a match card activity, where you have to match the skill with the correct definition. I have it working in a basic format by using and amending another template (as my knowledge of triggers and variables is quite limited). I have two additions that I'm not sure about.

1) How can I get it so that the layer shows up when they get them all correct? I've set it up as a show layer when timeline starts but with lots of conditions. This method doesn't seem to be working.

2) Can I get them so that once they match up correctly, they automatically turn green (as in correct)?


Thanks in advance for any guidance here.


1 Reply
Crystal Horn

Hi there, Steph! This looks very much like a memory matching card game. Is the goal of this interaction to make sure they know the definition, or to make sure they can remember where the definition is?

It might be worth considering recreating this interaction as a drag-and-drop. Storyline 360 makes it easy to set up a drag-and-drop where your learner can drag the skill to the right definition, create "correct" states when they get the answer right, and trigger the layer when you're ready.

What do you think?

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