Redoing a matching drag and drop without using results slide

Mar 02, 2014

Hi All,

I need some help.

I'm having users take a matching drag and drop quiz.  I want to be able to have the user redo the quiz as many times as possible until they get it right, thus providing a kind of "built in feedback".

Basically, I want it to behave like this:

1. If incorrect, the "incorrect layer" the continue button that puts the user back to start of the quiz so they can try to match them correctly.  It should keep doing this until the user gets it correct.

2. If correct, the "correct layer" continue button pushes them on to the next slide.

I've tried doing this many ways - hiding layers, using variables, etc... - but can't seem to crack it.  I know it will involve using a shape variable, but can't seem to get it to behave.

Any help?


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