Matching drop-down trigger

Dec 08, 2022

Hey all,

In my course I use the "Matching Drop-down" question slide in a test.
I want the user to fill in the question before they can proceed. Therefor I used a trigger to disabled the "submit" button on the start of this slide's timeline. And I the submit button to be "normal" (clickable) when the user has interacted with the drop-downs.
Problem is: I can't find a trigger which executes when the drop-down is set. Does anyone knows how to proceed?

Kind regards

3 Replies
Eric Santos

Hi Thomas,

Good question! We currently don't have a trigger event that monitors when a Matching Dropdown has been interacted with. As a workaround, I recommend connecting the Mouse Hover event with the last dropdown to enable the Submit button. The screenshot below shows that this object corresponds with Text Box 6.

Matching dropdown alternate trigger

You can find a sample Storyline file attached showing this interaction. Let me know if that works for you!

Thomas Mennen

Hey Eric,
Thanx for your reply. But unfortunately the workaround isn't of much use for me.

The main reasons we want to use the "matching dropdown" quiz (instead of for instance a drag-and-drop quiz) is the possibility to use your keyboard to interact with this quiz, so the quiz could be WCAG compatible. 
The Mouse Hover trigger won't react on the keybaord interaction.

If there are any other suggestions, I would be happy to know.